barcode module

Barcode and Faxing Modules in Free Purchase Order Software

Due to licensing restrictions related to the third party software that we use in SpendMap for sending faxes and printing barcode labels, which limits the number of copies that we are allowed to distribute, unfortunately we will not be able to include faxing and barcode label printing in the Free Version of SpendMap.

Please note, however, that you can send Purchase Orders and other documents to your suppliers using the E-mail Module instead, and you can still scan your suppliers’ UPC barcodes to simplify your inventory transactions if you wish, and you can print your own barcode labels using third party software (you just can’t print the barcode labels using SpendMap itself).

We were hoping to include the same functionality in our Free Version as we offer in our Paid Version, but unfortunately we just couldn’t get approval to give the faxing and barcode label printing technology away for free with the rest of SpendMap.

Sorry folks, we tried.

In the Home Stretch

Getting ready to make the “friends and family” announcement to get an early set of eyes on the website before the official launch.

After that we’ll open up the site and start taking preregistrations as we complete our final software testing.  Very exciting.

Had a bit of disappointing news though.  Due to licensing issues with the third party software that we use in our Faxing and Barcode Modules, we won’t be able to include those in the first release of the free version. 

Good thing we engineered that auto-update feature for patches…once the issue is resolved, we will push out an update to enable the modules automatically behind the scenes.

I guess one can’t expect perfection in a big, innovative project like this.