
Faster Pricing Setup in your Free Purchase Order Software

A popular feature in the Free Version of SpendMap is the ability to set up an unlimited number of suppliers for each item that you buy, along with supplier-specific pricing, freight charges, lead times, and other information that will be different for the item depending on who you’re buying it from.

You can enter pricing and other supplier-specific information in the [Supplier] folder of the Item Master File…

Suppliers in Free PO Software

But if you just can’t wait to start using SpendMap and don’t want to take the time to enter or import all those details for each supplier, another option is to just enter the price for the item in the Standard Price field, in the [General] folder, in which case that price will be used for the item regardless of which supplier you choose for each new Purchase Order…

Item Price in Free PO Software

Pro Tip:  If you want other information to default on each new PO aside from the pricing, you can set up a single supplier in the [Supplier] folder and simply enter * (an asterisk) instead of individual supplier codes, in which case the same price, freight charge, lead time, and other information will be used on all new POs (for all suppliers).

Just a couple of 100+ features that you’ll find in the totally free version of SpendMap.

Spend wisely, dear friends.