
Getting Schooled on your Free Purchase Order Software

Hey kids,

We’re a bit late for back-to-school but nevertheless thrilled to announce that SpendMap now comes with Walkthrough Tutorials to help you learn how to use your Free Purchase Order Software quickly and easily.

Unlike the “external” video tutorials, our new Walkthrough Tutorials are built right into SpendMap and take you step-by-step through popular areas of the software, guiding you every step of the way as you work in the system…


We’re starting off with 10 Walkthroughs in the Free Version of SpendMap that cover the basics of the Purchasing, Receiving and Email Integration Modules.

You can start the Walkthroughs from the droplist at the top-right corner of the Main Menu in SpendMap…


Evaluation Copy with Sample Data Only

Please note that the Walkthrough Tutorials are only available in the Evaluation Copy of SpendMap (the copy with all the sample data) but they do not show in your Live Copy of SpendMap.

That’s because the Walkthroughs are dependent on the sample data in the system.  That’s also why we recommend that you complete the tutorials before making any significant changes to the sample data in your Evaluation System.  For example, if you delete a supplier or item that’s referenced during one of the tutorials, the Walkthrough will stop because the data in the system will be different from what the tutorial expects.

How Else can we Help?

We think we’ve covered the basics with the 10 Walkthroughs that we’ve already built but if you have any suggestions for other areas of the system that could benefit from one of these tutorials, please shoot us an email and let us know.  Thanks!

How to Receive Orders in your Free Purchase Order Software (Video Tutorial, v14.5)

Here’s a new video tutorial that shows how to receive products and services in the Free Version of SpendMap…

You can enable the Receiving Module during the Setup Wizard that runs automatically when you log in to your Live Copy of SpendMap for the first time.  If you missed that, just use the check-box at the top of the screen in…
– RECEIVING > Setup system > Receiving options

Please Like and Share our videos to help spread the word about SpendMap.  Thanks!


User Accounts in your Free Purchase Order Software (Video Tutorial, v14.5)

Here are some tips for setting up new users in the Free Version of SpendMap.

Your first user account will be created during the Setup Wizard that runs automatically when you log in to your Live Copy of SpendMap for the first time but if you need to add additional users, this new video tutorial is a good place to start…


Forms and Documents in your Free Purchase Order Software (Video Tutorial, v14.5)

It’s not quite as good as your Christmas present but here’s a new video tutorial on how to set up your PO form in the Free Version of SpendMap.

We’ll just call it a belated stocking stuffer.  Ho-ho-ho!

Updated Video Tutorials for your Free Purchase Order Software

We started updating some of the video tutorials on our YouTube Channel to show the 2016 release of SpendMap (v14).

Note the version number in the title of each video.

We plan to update more videos in the coming weeks.  In the meantime, feel free to refer to the older videos, even if you’re using the latest release of SpendMap.  We never take features away, so anything that you see in the older videos will still apply to newer releases of SpendMap, albeit with some differences in the screens.


Finding answers about your Free Purchase Order Software

Chris works at a construction and maintenance services company in the United Kingdom and was asking about something that we wrote about a few months ago.

Of course we love to hear from anyone who has a question about their free Purchase Order Software but did you know that you can often find answers to your questions right here on this Blog?

To search for a topic, try clicking on the little “magnifying glass” at the right side of the menu at the top of the page or using the “Search Posts” widget in the right sidebar.

Catch a friend a fish and you feed them for a day…show a friend how to fish and you feed them for life!

fishing-for-answers in free PO software

Free Purchase Order Software is like nuts in the shell

Ever notice how those Christmas nuts (in the shell) taste better?  Having to do a little work somehow makes the victory that little bit sweeter.

It’s kind of like the free version of SpendMap.  Sure, you’ll have to do some reading and maybe watch some video tutorials, but it’ll sure be sweet to have a totally free Purchase Order system up and running in the new year.

Or if you prefer your treats ready-to-eat, please call us to learn about the paid/commercial version of SpendMap, which comes with a full range of professional services like one-on-one training and implementation consulting.  We would be happy to crack the shells for you so that you can just dig in.



Popular Videos for Buyers and Purchasing Managers

Our YouTube Channel is approaching 80,000 views.

And the video that reviews our Free Purchase Order Software is about to hit 25,000 views itself.

Aside from helping you implement the free version of SpendMap, our video tutorials are a good way to learn about the benefits of e-procurement software in general.

Thanks for  your time and interest.

– The Free-Procurement Project Team


Using vs. Implementing your Free Purchase Order Software


Brenda was struggling a bit with her implementation of the free version of SpendMap, so we helped her by providing free support when she had questions about setting up her Master Files, using the built-in integration tools, and otherwise configuring the system to her needs.

But she still had a concern…

I’m worried that if I’m having trouble, it will be impossible for our staff as they are not very computer savvy at all“.

Fair enough, but keep in mind that implementing a business application like this is more involved than just using it for your day-to-day work.  For example, entering a Purchase Order or Requisition in SpendMap is much easier than setting up the master files, going through system configuration, etc.

Our customers tell us all the time that their users can handle the “day-to-day” stuff, with no training at all!

And remember, with User Definable Menus, you can remove everything from your staff’s field of view that they don’t need, leaving only the few functions that they’ll use to do their daily tasks (e.g. Enter a PO or Requisition, check the status of their order, etc.).

But Brenda certainly has a valid point.  This type of system is definitely more involved to set up than, say, a simple word processor or something, that you can just install and start using.  There are configuration settings, workflow options, master files to populate, not to mention mapping the functionality to your business processes, which in and of itself can take some time.

All that said, keep in mind that there is definitely a big carrot to keep you motivated while you work get the system going.

On a separate but related note, we will soon be offering Getting Started training and implementation consulting packages for users of the free version (until now, these services were reserved for people using our paid version only).  Make sure to follow our Blog, where we’ll make the announcement when the Getting Started package is available.

Don’t give up folks.  Rome wasn’t build in a day.